The Exodus Road – CEO Matt Parker and Laura Parker Uncovered

Matt (whose LinkedIn profile was removed due to our discovery of his high consultation fees) and Laura Parker initiated The Exodus Road when they relocated to Thailand with the intention of establishing a long-term presence. Their vision was to create a charity that would facilitate their extended stay. According to financial records, the current CEO, Matt Parker, compensates himself with an annual salary of approximately 148,000 USD, while his wife, Laura Parker, receives 130,000 USD per year. This results in a combined income of 278,000 USD annually (equivalent to 9,839,760 THB) solely from the charity.

It is noteworthy that the average salary in Thailand is significantly lower, likely not exceeding 500 USD per month due to the comparatively lower cost of living. The Exodus Road also allocates 347,367 USD per year to Thailand for “operation costs,” which may include entertainment expenses, among others. Additionally, they allocate 160,306 USD annually for the Freedom Home in Thailand. The notably high costs incurred in the country where Matt Parker and Laura Parker primarily reside may not be a mere coincidence.

“Celeste McGee, the executive director and founder of the anti-trafficking organization Dton Naam, which helps boys and transgender sex workers, pointed out that the Parkers together earned $23,000 a month.

 “That feels staggeringly shocking,” said McGee. “Two people don’t need $23,000 a month,” even if they are living between Thailand and the U.S.”

Exodus Road Financials

This article will cover the following problems with The Exodus Road

The methodology employed by the organization raises serious ethical concerns, as evident from the following disturbing practices:

  1. Encouraging sexualized behavior with women in bars and brothels under the guise of going “undercover.”
  2. Instances of sexually inappropriate language among office workers.
  3. Misuse of charity donations for drinking and partying, including activities with prostitutes.
  4. Diverting charity funds for personal gain, manifested through excessive salaries and lavish lifestyles for top management, prioritizing personal gain over the cause of saving women.
  5. Paying corrupt countries to unjustly prosecute innocent individuals.
  6. Charging married volunteers a hefty fee of 4500 USD, ostensibly for charity work, while engaging in activities related to bars.
  7. Demeaning treatment of staff within the organization.
  8. Questionable practices involving the sizable salaries of the married couple occupying top positions.
  9. Dubious counting methodologies employed by the organization to inflate the numbers of people claimed to be rescued.
  10. Engaging in questionable actions such as visiting open-air beer bars, attempting to identify girls with fake or borrowed IDs, and coercing them into claiming they were forced into sex. This approach is criticized for not genuinely rescuing anyone.
  11. Planting 16- or 17-year-olds in bars using older sisters’ IDs when unable to find trafficked girls. This tactic raises suspicions about the authenticity of the charity’s rescue efforts, suggesting a motive to justify continued donation collection.
  12. Failing to inform business owners when an underage girl has deceived her way into employment, with no genuine rescue efforts, but rather delaying action until a solid conviction can be obtained months later.

These practices collectively paint a troubling picture of an organization engaged in ethically questionable activities under the guise of charitable work.


Click here for – The Exodus Road Open Letter – The best evidence supporting our recent claims

The Exodus Road Open Letter Thai Translation 

Witnesses/co signers below (mostly ex-staff of The Exodus Road)

How does the Exodus Road make so much money?


The Exodus Road employs questionable tactics in its supposed rescue operations, diverging from traditional rescue approaches. Instead of targeting individuals genuinely seeking rescue, the organization opts for covert operations in bars at night, utilizing illegal hidden cameras funded by charity donations. There are instances where members engage in undercover work, involving sexual encounters with prostitutes. The evidence supporting these claims is detailed in additional articles and an open letter.

Within the sex industry, women often use fake or borrowed ID cards to enter sex work, occasionally deceiving business owners. Surprisingly, rather than informing bar owners about underage girls in their employ, The Exodus Road seeks out individuals willing to testify for personal gain. They focus on open-air bars in Thailand, where women enter and exit freely. Identifying slightly underage women, the organization coerces them into claiming they were forced into sex, providing a generous salary during the trial. The justification for spending donation money in bars with prostitutes is framed as an effort to uncover problems.

This approach, however, appears to be a cost-saving measure, avoiding the need for investigation in genuinely perilous situations where women may require rescue. Other charities note that instances of sex workers being forced into the profession are rare, with a primary focus on combating child labor. The Exodus Road’s collaboration with corrupt countries facilitates cooperation with law enforcement.

In cases where trafficked individuals cannot be found, the organization resorts to planting 16- or 17-year-olds using an older sister’s ID in unsuspecting bars, seemingly to validate the charity’s existence. Consequently, the individuals supposedly rescued are those strategically placed by The Exodus Road, perpetuating the collection of donations from unsuspecting individuals.

Disturbingly, there are reports of people offering nightlife venue staff in Thailand financial incentives to employ underage women. This occurs concurrently with The Exodus Road orchestrating raids on innocent bar owners. The organization’s cost-saving measures may result in setting up individuals for large salaries while leading innocent people to incarceration.

Why do they mask identities and don’t seem to have any addresses online?

Most human trafficking organizations have real rescue homes, CEOs and staff do not hide their names, and they have real social media accounts. Check out this genuine charity in Thailand. They rescue children from labor camps and it costs a lot more money to investigate and look after them. One of the tragedies of The Exodus Roads’ existence is that it’s taking money away from genuine charities that do a good job. The Freedom Story is how human trafficking charities should act, fixing problems instead of creating them.

The Exodus Road’s undercover staff are all sneaking around in Thailand’s girly bars having fun and sex and sending innocent bar owners to jail, of which none of them knowingly employed an underage girl. The charity knows this but the conviction results on paper are more important than real rescues.

Why are they unethical?

The organization should prioritize rescuing individuals involved in genuine human trafficking cases, aligning with donors’ expectations. However, they seem to be taking a cost-effective approach, utilizing donor funds for questionable practices. This includes using money to pay for sexual encounters, collaborating with corrupt entities to orchestrate incidents, and spending donor money to spend extended periods in bars, engaging in conversations with numerous attractive girls with the intent of stumbling upon an underage individual. The challenge arises in identifying such cases, as girls often use fake IDs or rely on friends to secure jobs, leaving volunteers in the dark about their true ages. Disturbingly, there have been reports suggesting that some informants engage in sexual activities while undercover, purportedly to extract more information.

Matt Parker says that even though the girls freely worked in bars by themselves, that because they are 16/17 years old, that is therefore against their will, therefore the Exodus Road is creating dishonest human trafficking cases for more donations. Then the underage girls (they plant) are threatened with the law for using fake/friends’ IDs and paid a salary to say that they were forced to have sex even in the face of all the evidence that they tricked the business owner with someone else’s ID and sought out clients by themselves. Most of the volunteers are using it as an excuse to get away from the family for some fun.

Some individuals have questioned why The Exodus Road does not engage in rescue operations in the USA. The explanation given is that investigations within the country are deemed too expensive, leaving less funds available for substantial salaries and expenses related to bars and brothels. Additionally, the organization suggests that such operations are not as enjoyable as spending time in bars, incurring undercover operation expenses.

This reluctance to pursue genuine human trafficking cases in other countries is attributed to financial considerations. The organization appears to prefer taking legal action against innocent business owners in corrupt countries, all while leveraging religious affiliations to garner donations with the assurance that they are making a positive impact.

Matt expresses dissatisfaction with collaborating with corrupt countries such as Thailand, yet he openly shares these grievances online to pressure them into unjustly prosecuting innocent individuals. Recognizing that officials fear accusations of bribery, he resorts to compensating individuals at lower levels to instigate issues. Simultaneously, he exploits corruption to achieve favorable outcomes that contribute to positive online statistics, potentially attracting more donations.

We are looking for whistleblowers and more people to help us stop this evil force. Other human trafficking charities that do ethical work have much better use for the money that they are blowing in bars and on a lavish lifestyle in Thailand.

Matt Parker is charging charities 250 USD an hour to teach them how to raise money for their charities, does this sound like a charitable man?

The Exodus Road Uncovered

In the following paragraph below taken from Matt Parker’s interview, he admits to looking for ways to stay in Thailand after falling out with other NGO’s and he pretends that the Thai police want his help. They do not want his help and some police told us he’s creating a lot of problems, Thai people do not want to create problems for innocent people but Matt uses the American charity, and all the names that he has behind him that are unaware of his shady practices, the Thai police and prosecutors feel like that they have to throw innocent people into court to fend for themselves, all so Matt can get another conviction to brag about. You can read his interview here, but I have a screenshot below. He also states he was deputized by Thai police which is not true. You can only be police if you are born in Thailand and are a Thai person by birth.

Who is Amber Van Esseveld ?

Amber, an author of multiple books and a prominent advocate for The Exodus Road, has been approached through various channels by our team to respond to numerous allegations concerning Matt Parker and the organization’s practices. Regrettably, she has not provided any replies or addressed the questions posed to her. It’s noteworthy how individuals, seemingly sincere online through polished interviews and publications, appear disinterested or unwilling to address genuine concerns when confronted with serious allegations. Amber Van, in particular, stands out as a notable supporter who fails to address these ethical questions, contributing to the perception of insincerity surrounding the charity.

Matt charges guys 4500 USD to go on nights out!

Matt from The Exodus road has been told several times to stop bringing volunteers into this night life world, to use them as spies and informants, taking them on nights out in bars in Thailand in the guise that they are doing charity work. Matt charges 4500 USD per volunteerso it’s a good source of income, no arrests have been made thanks to these extra volunteers. Most of the married men signing up to this are using it as an excuse to go to lady bars.

The volunteers’ work was a sham, said Eric Shark, a former senior investigator with Exodus Road who has been sparring with the organization over this and other issues, many of them detailed in the open letter. (Exodus Road said Shark is “not a credible source of information.”)

Shark said the training for the volunteers was thin. Between 2015-2017, he said he worked with six to eight deployments, with four to eight volunteer investigators each time. Most were men, with backgrounds as pastors, police, and NGO workers.

None of their work led to any raids that he was aware of, he said.

He told CEO Parker to stop using the volunteers because many were liabilities. At least once he threatened a nearly out-of-control volunteer with dismissal. But, Parker refused to stop. “He loved bringing people over because it helps raise money for the organization,” Shark said.

People pay $4,500 to be a volunteer, which includes airfare and expenses, according to the website. Volunteers must be at least 30 and pass a background test and psychological evaluation. A day of in-person evaluations and testing follows. About 30% of those who apply are accepted. They also claim there is training on how to collect evidence, operate gear, and conduct intelligence gathering, according to the site. Shark said most of that was on the job.”

Source Global Observer

Further noted in the article referenced above, Matt Parker, The CEO of The Exodus Road, has found underage girls several times and has not acted, helped, or informed any of the business owners. He chooses his victims wisely, such as western bar owners that he thinks won’t make him any issues. He only works with girls that he can pay to make false statements about their bosses, also he speaks down to Thai women, as this ex-staff member said

 A Thai-American woman, who asked to remain anonymous because she now does similar work in the U.S., cited a trip to a red light district where a lead on a vulnerable woman was never followed up.

The woman, then 24, was asked to accompany Parker and pretend to be his girlfriend on an undercover trip to a bar in Pattaya. It was awkward because she worked in the office and was not trained to do undercover. The trip was supposed to be … what? Investigative? She wasn’t sure and said it was never explained. 

In the bar, she spoke with a 16-year-old girl named Man, in a haunting conversation. The girl said she was supposed to sell her virginity. The employee was appalled. Man wasn’t scared, depressed or drugged, she said. “She was just kind of resigned that this is what my job is now.

The woman, Parker, and another investigator left, doing nothing to help Man. What are we going to do for her?, she asked. We can’t help every girl, she was told. And that was that.

On another occasion, while serving as Parker’s interpreter for a group of lawmen, the woman had a side conversation in Thai with an attendee. That caught Parker’s attention, but not in a good way. He later told her she should not speak to the others, but should be a “submissive Thai girl.

I said, ‘What?’ I am a Thai girl, but also an American girl.” She found the remark deeply upsetting. Her then boyfriend, now husband, confirmed they spoke about both incidents. 

Further Reading.

Please please read the following articles

Remember leopards don’t change their spots, money can cover tracks and buy silence but good people will stand up eventually.

Key comments from the linked Global Observer expose. (Nothing has since changed in the way Matt operates)

“The red flags started for Allison Weber even before she started work with Exodus Road. At a supper in Thailand with the CEO, Matt Parker, and a few other couples, Parker suggested a tour of the red light district in the city of Pattaya, to show everyone how bad it was.

She had no interest in going. She’d visited go-go bars and brothels as part of her other job, which involved helping women in prostitution. It’s not pleasant. “It’s men groping women. It’s intense,” she said. She was surprised a man who ran a nonprofit fighting sex trafficking wanted to do this.

Parker pushed the men to go. He said something like: How small a man do you have to be to not go to these places? “My husband was really offended,” she said. “That felt out of line to me.”

“Other allegations about Exodus Road include:

— The encouragement of sexualized behavior with women in bars and brothels as part of of going “undercover,”

— A number of instances among office workers of sexually inappropriate language,

— The demeaning treatment of staff,

— The size of the salaries paid to the two top employees, who are a married couple, and the methodology the organization uses to count the people it says it rescues.

“This is a really toxic organization and it’s harming the anti-trafficking sector as a whole,” said Weber, whose dinner with Parker was in 2014, and who had worked an another anti-sex-trafficking nonprofit for two years prior. “Their behavior is really damaging to that work.”   Please read the entire article for all the info

More damming evidence from the past (but still being done to this day)

Below are screenshots from the Wikipedia page about The Exodus Road, we urge all readers to contact the good people they have fooled to be behind them. We will contact them later and if they are silent like Amber Van Esseveld, we will know they are getting paid to look the other way.

Below is a screenshot taken from Wikipedia.

We have included the latest screenshot below and a previous one that was changed.

Criticism and accusations[edit] (copied and pasted from Wikipedia)

Past employees have accused The Exodus Road of allowing sexualized interactions between its personnel and young women, under the guise of being undercover.[26] The Exodus Road engaged an outside law firm, Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, which conducted investigations. The investigations did reveal inappropriate behavior, including drunkenness and nudity at work-related events,[27] and the organization implemented the recommendations from the law firm, which included termination of certain individuals and other disciplinary actions.[28] The summative statement from the investigation has been published publicly by the legal firm.[29]

The Exodus Road has also been criticized for being religiously influenced to use trafficking as a pretext to intervene against sex workers and remove their sources of income.[30] The organization has on several occasions clarified the difference between fighting human trafficking and sex work, stating that they are looking for those who are in sex work due to “Force, abduction, fraud, or coercion,” or those who are underage (which legally qualifies them as human trafficking victims).[31] Specifically, TER functions under the United Nations‘ definition of human trafficking: “Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.”[32]

The organization has also been criticized for their use of military jargon, such as describing volunteers as “covert operatives” to carry out their mission.[33]Critics of The Exodus Road state that the organization has invited television crews and supporters to watch and film its raids of brothels for the “shock value” and to raise funds.[34]

Below is the Corrupt Team That Are Active in Pattaya, (around when raids were started) Thailand – making millions from sending innocent people to jail for donations – they have all been contacted asking what their thoughts are to the underhand tactics the the exodus road use, none of them replied.

Matt Parker, Laura Parker, Hollie Smith, Amber Van, Preston Goff, Mary Nikkel, Edwin and Rickson D’souza. (listed below are all informants)
(We think this guy is one of the guys hanging with bargirls using donations and the others definitely work for The Exodus Road) see picture below

The Exodus Road team (above) lead a lavish lifestyle and informants hide because they put innocent people in jail. Criminals don’t go after informants and they are unlikely to check websites, but if you put innocent people into jail, then you need to hide your faces.

What other laws do The Exodus Road break while they are working in Thailand?
Exodus Road Informant, Preston Goff made a Facebook post asking for funding for covert cameras for use in private bars around Thailand. Thailand has laws on covert filming in private places where there is an expectation for privacy, and Thais do not like to lose face.
(screenshot below)

Freedom Home in Thailand – 433 USD a month rent and 4 Thai salaries 2000 USD a month.

The Exodus Road says they have a location called Freedom Home in Thailand – Check the cheap 433 USD a month house that they have
but there is no address for this place anywhere in Thai or English. There are several references to this place on their website and there are several other places that are for real child victims that are publically listed, so they cannot use privacy/safety as an excuse. The truth is, The Exodus Road relies on the government places to look after the “victims” they rescue because they want to save costs. The government places let them go out again after 2-4 weeks. Where is the 5m USD a year going?  apart from 280,000 a year salaries to Laura and Matt plus “undercover” work in seedy bars. (evidence shown on another page)

This type of place is 15,000 baht a month rent, which is 433 USD a month and 4 Thai salaries is around 2000 USD a month max.  The Exodus Road sends  347,367 USD to Thailand for operation costs and for the Freedom Home 160,306 USD per year in Thailand. It’s not a coincidence that the costs are very high in the country where Matt Parker and Laura Parker mostly reside. But Freedom House isn’t really used much because The Exodus Road just dump the victims into a government facility.

Exodus Road Pretends it rescues trafficked children, but they just set people up, let the police arrest them, then the victims are in a government home for 2-4 weeks. Read what experts have to say.

“Lauren Pinkston, who has studied and written about faith-based, anti-trafficking organizations, said more transparency is needed by Exodus Road and many other nonprofits in the field before their numbers can be trusted. Many “rescued” women often end up back in the sex trade because they lack needed aftercare. How are those women counted? How much money, she wondered, would be spent rescuing the same women again? ”

Here is a classic example of many cases right now in Thailand.  A girl uses a friends ID card, found by the exodus team in November,  business was raided 6th of April.  News link here.

The girl was found in a local nightclub drinking with male prostitutes around 10th of April.  How did they know without really getting to know her?

Then the rescue post was magically deleted from linkedin/facebook and The exodus road website when someone questioned their ethics.

Screenshot below was from LinkedIn but deleted as they were caught out

129 USD wasted on a photo for social media of a girl that looks far younger than the tall 16 year old they didn’t actually rescue. (who is currently back working in gogos)

Here is the “rescued” girl on her realise from a Government home May 10th 2023. (a month later from her rescue) She is currently back working as a prostitute using someone else’s ID card again.

Another 17 year old using a friends ID, working by choice which the exodus road happened to have “found” and they have done an elaborate story on a girl that chose to work and lied to the business owner – please read

Further Reading

These Human Trafficking Charities Make Me Sick To The Stomach

Reasons why The Exodus Road has caused more human trafficking

Charity Navigator has given top marks for this 5m USD a year charity that spends more money on raising money, looking good and paying their top staff as opposed to rescuing anyone. When we questioned charity navigator why they would list an unethical charity, they said they only aggregate data from the IRS and do not support it.

The Exodus Road donators are listed below (Who need to be contacted and informed of their ill practices) (Let’s assume they don’t know).

Racecar driver Rob Hodes supports Exodus Road.

Donators (smaller ones)

Larger donators

2nd largest donators

Top Donators – These all need to be informed asap

If you are a donator to The Exodus Road charity scam, please consider giving to many of the other better human trafficking charities with good reviews. such as

The Freedom Story has spoken out against Matt Parkers unethical practices because the bad reputation also affects them in Thailand as people assume they are all the same.

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